Champions Online Wiki

Blood Moon was a Game Update or patch, released October 27th 2009, which added a yearly event to Champions Online lasting from October 27th to November 10th. The event features many elements of the horror genre, such as zombies, werewolves, and the Undying Takofanes.

Blood Moon returns Monthly starting in October 2010[]

Every full moon, Takofanes returns with the monthly event. Blood Moon is back for every full moon. Included in the new blood moon event are 13 new Action Figures:

Info From The Official Website[]

There is a chill wind blowing through Millennium City. It's late October and the moon has taken on a sinister aspect, staining the sky a bloody red. The superhero Witchcraft, of the Champions, warns that this is a dire portent of an approaching mystical threat. There have been sightings of strange creatures emerging across the world, those of savage werewolves and flesh-craving zombies. Even worse, they bear with them the tidings of a great evil returning to the world... Takofanes, the Undying Lord


When Takofanes last strode across North America he killed all who crossed him to swell the ranks of his undead army. The first attempt America's superheroes made to stop him resulted in the death of half a dozen of them. A second more concentrated attempt managed to drive Takofanes from the battlefield, but he could not be defeated. Now Takofanes has returned once again with hordes of his minions, citing prophecies of doom and proclaiming his coming reign over humanity!


Dawn of the Undead Heroes Map

Dawn of the Undead Heroes Map Locations

  • Explore the new Celestial Powerset. Use the power of the Seraphim to heal and strengthen your allies, or release the fury of the Nephilim in a battle against evil.
  • Beware the Zombie Apocalypse rising in Canada! Battle against zombies in PVP, but no matter what, do not fall there. Should you die, you shall return as one of the undead horde, bound to fight in Takofanes’ name.
  • Fight off ravenous werewolf packs, but be careful lest you get bitten and infected with their dark magic.
  • Stand against undead heroes who once fought in the Battle of Detroit, and do your best to free their souls from Takofanes’ necromancy.
  • Challenge Takofanes to drive him from our land, but beware – you must fight the dark sorcerers who serve him before you have any chance of facing the Undying Lord.

External Links[]
