Champions Online Wiki
Dead Alive
Level 10 Mission
Zone Canadian Wilderness
Subzone Force Station Steelhead
Mission Start Lt. Steven Fisher
Mission End Lt. Steven Fisher

Mission Chain

[8] Missing Amongst the Debris
[8] The Hunters Hunting

[8] Infiltration Cessation
Hunter-Patriot Lieutenant
[9] The Perfect Prey
[9] Trust No One
[9] A Cat's Tale

[10] Awful Undead Offal

Lt. Steve Fisher
[10] Six Feet Under
[10] Dead Alive
[10] Cleanup of the Oceanic

Capt. Susan Connors
[10] Hunter-Patriot Act
[10] Summons of the Cerebellum

Giant Brain's Astral Projection

[10] Travesty of Justice
[11] Execution Dissolution

[11] Mental Retribution
[11] Brain Storming

[9] Troubles in Rime Woods

We were cleaning up after the zombies when we were attacked. I have a bag of zombie parts I was supposed to ritually cleanse to dispel the magic still on them, but after what I've been through, I don't think I can do it. Ravenspeaker set up a summoning circle south of here for us to call in a spirit of cleansing but that Mr. Zombie guy has been hanging around, looking for a way to disable it. Can you take out Mr. Zombie and do the ritual on these for me, {name}? I'm not up to it myself, frankly. This dark magic stuff scares me silly!

- Lt. Steven Fisher


Defeat Mr. Zombie then use summoning circle to ritually cleanse wriggling zombie parts of necromantic magic.


Mission Notes[]

In Progress[]

Were you able to destroy those Zombie Parts yet? I think it's okay if they're still... wriggling.

- Lt. Steven Fisher

On Completion[]

You were able to get rid of that Mr. Zombie guy? You're the best! Hopefully that's the end of the zombie problems and the rest of the teams can finish cleaning up the area.

- Lt. Steven Fisher


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  • 2 Resource100 67 Resource