Champions Online Wiki
of this Power
Power Icon Hurl
Power Set Might
Type Ranged Attack
Range 100 feet
Cost 15 energy
Activation Time 0.5 sec
  • Single target Crushing damage.
  • Damage this power deals is considered melee damage when scaling with your Role. It is also increased by your Strength, scaling the same way a Melee power scales with Strength.
  • Snares the target, reducing their movement speed.


Might - Tier 1

Ranged Damage - Snare

Hurl allows you to tear a chunk out of the ground and fling it at your enemy.



  • Single target Crushing damage.
  • Damage this power deals is considered melee damage when scaling with your Role. It is also increased by your Strength, scaling the same way a Melee power scales with Strength.
  • Snares the target, reducing their movement speed.


Accelerated Metabolism

Every time you use this ability you have a chance to return a small amount of energy.

Crippling Challenge

  • Increases the threat caused by this attack, making enemies more likely to attack you.
  • Places a 20% damage debuff on the target that persists for 15 seconds. If the affected enemy attacks the taunter, it will quickly reduce this debuff's strength. Conversely, damage the taunter inflicts on the taunted enemy restores the debuff's strength.
  • This advantage Taunts an AI controlled enemy, forcing them to attack you for 4 seconds. All taunts share a 10 second cooldown, and an enemy that has been taunted by any source cannot be taunted again for 10 seconds.
  • Crippling Challenge breaks through blocking and disables it for 10 seconds.

Nailed to the Ground

Cancels and locks out travel powers for a short period of time.

Rubble Trouble

Causes your Hurl attack to hit additional targets around your primary target.
