Champions Online Wiki
of this Power
Lead Tempest
Power Icon Lead Tempest
Power Set Munitions
Type Ranged Area Attack
Range 50 foot Sphere
Cost 14 + 10 energy/0.5sec
Activation Time 0.5 sec, lasts up to 4.5 sec
  • Has a chance of dealing Piercing damage to nearby targets.
  • The chance to hit targets decreases the farther they are from you.


Munitions - Tier 3

AoE Damage

When you're surrounded by enemies, the ability to surround yourself with a storm of bullets can be all you need.



  • Has a chance of dealing Piercing damage to nearby targets.
  • The chance to hit targets decreases the farther they are from you.


Accelerated Metabolism

Every time you use this ability you have a chance to return a small amount of energy.

Challenging Strikes

  • This advantage increases the threat caused by this attack against all affected targets, making them more likely to attack you.
  • If this advantage is applied to a power that has a recharge time, it will additionally add a moderate amount of threat over time to all affected targets, for the duration of the recharge.
  • This advantage inflicts a 5% damage debuff against all affected targets. If an affected enemy attacks you, it will quickly reduce this debuff's strength. Conversely, any damage you inflict restores the debuff's strength.

Tread Softly

Grants a significant bonus to Dodge and Avoidance while maintained.
