Champions Online Wiki
Lest they Breach the Netherworld
Lest they Breach the Netherworld
Level 24
Zone Millennium City
Subzone West Side
Coordinates 1558 59 1057

"Lest they Breach the Netherworld" is an interior instanced mission map accessible from the West Side district of Millennium City. It is the location of the objectives of the mission Lest they Breach the Netherworld, available as a Help a Citizen Mission.

Some crazy stuff is going down in Millennium City! You had better get back there and set things right!

- Concerned Citizen -- Mission Introductory Text: Lest they Breach the Netherworld


The entrance to the "Lest they Breach the Netherworld" instanced mission map is a building door located in the West Side district of Millennium City.

Millennium City
West Side

Mission Location[]



