Champions Online Wiki
Level 22 Help a Citizen Mission
Zone Millennium City
Subzone Downtown
Team Size 1-5
Mission Start Concerned Citizen
Mission End Objective Completion

Hey, help, {name}! Emergency message from Chief Surhoff in Millennium City! A group of Destroids attacked his officers and then escaped into the sewers. He desperately need someone to put an end to this menace.

- Concerned Citizen


Normal people wouldn't be able to spend much time down here, but robots can, and you see evidence of Destroyer's mechanical minions all over the place. Render the robots to pieces and get out of here!

Recommended team: 1-5


  • Defeat Robots (0/7)

Mission Notes[]

Instance Entry[]

Normal people wouldn't be able to spend much time down here, but robots can, and you see evidence of Destroyer's mechanical minions all over the place. Render the robots to pieces and get out of here!

On Completion[]

Good work! You destroyed Destroyer's robots and made the world a safer place!


  • 10,600 Exp
  • 5 Resource100 9 Resource