Champions Online Wiki
of this Power
Smoke Grenade
Power Icon Smoke Grenade
Power Set Munitions
Type Crowd Control
Range 100 feet
Cost 19 energy
Activation Time 0.67 sec
  • Creates a smoke cloud at the target's location.
  • Enemies inside or entering the smoke cloud have their perception dramatically decreased even after they leave the cloud, for a short time.
  • This power may be used even if you are Held.


Munitions - Tier 2

Ranged AoE Perception Debuff

If you need to sneak around or just need an escape plan, Smoke Grenade could be just what you need.



  • Creates a smoke cloud at the target's location.
  • Enemies inside or entering the smoke cloud have their perception dramatically decreased even after they leave the cloud, for a short time.
  • This power may be used even if you are Held.


Escape Artist

You know how to take advantage of the momentary blindness created by your smoke cloud. The target of your smoke grenade and anyone nearby will be unable to find you for 10 seconds, or until you damage them. A target may be affected by this effect no more than once every 30 seconds.
