Champions Online Wiki
of this Power
Sniper Rifle
Power Icon Sniper Rifle
Power Set Munitions
Type Ranged Attack
Cost 58 energy
Activation Time 1-4 sec
  • High single target Piercing damage.
  • Stuns the target. Stunned targets are unable to move or act for a short period of time.
  • Must be fully charged.
  • Any damage taken will interrupt the charge.


Munitions - Tier 3

Ranged Damage - Stun

The pinpoint accuracy of a sniper is the culmination of years of marksmanship training.
This rifle attack must be completely charged to fire. It does heavy damage to the target and has a chance to stun. Purchasing additional ranks of this power increases the chance to stun and the amount of damage done.



  • High single target Piercing damage.
  • Stuns the target. Stunned targets are unable to move or act for a short period of time.
  • Must be fully charged.
  • Any damage taken will interrupt the charge.


Accelerated Metabolism

Every time you use this ability you have a chance to return a small amount of energy.

Tungsten Rounds

Allows your Sniper Rifle shots to hit up to 3 targets in a line.
