Originally created as props for a band of costumed rockers, these axes were transformed into real weapons when their wielder was turned into a giant slobbering ogre by a now-imprisoned mage. This Power Replace Item has a chance to add an electricity effect to Dual Blade attacks.
Primary Offense
Bind on Pickup Level 21
+4 Dexterity +4 Recovery +8.9 Physical Defense +8.9 Energy Defense
Enhances specific powers currently enhancing: nothing 6.5% chance: Applies Electricity Burst to target to self
Targets foe
100 feet
409 Electrical damage
Originally created as props for a band of costumed rockers, these axes were transformed into real weapons when their wielder was turned into a giant slobbering ogre by a now-imprisoned mage. This Power Replace Item has a chance to add an electricity effect to Dual Blade attacks.